Undercards Wikia
Undercards Wikia
Screenshot 113

Pre Beta 1.6

Current version can be seen here.

Updated Loox

Post Beta 1.6

Loox had some changes, most of which increased the effectiveness of its ability.


Post Beta 5.3

It started out with just doing 1 damage to a random enemy monster, but was buffed in Beta 1.6, where it now was able to do 1 damage to a monster of your choice, including your own.

Beta 5.3 buffed its ATK from 2 to 3. Beta 8.3 buffed its ability again, for it is now also able to damage the health bar of the players, making it now exactly a weaker, cheaper Vulkin. Beta 10.2 reduced all its stats (ATK, HP and Cost) from 3 to 2.

Loox (Beta 8

Post Beta 8.3



  • 2 (Pre Beta 5.3)
  • 3 (Post Beta 5.3)
  • 2 (Post Beta 10.2, Current)


  • 3 (Pre Beta 10.2)
  • 2 (Post Beta 10.2, Current)


  • 3 (Pre Beta 10.2)
  • 2 (Post Beta 10.2, Current)


  • Battlecry/Enter/Magic: Deal 1 damage to a random enemy monster. (Pre Beta 1.6)
  • Battlecry/Enter/Magic: Deal 1 damage to a monster. (Post Beta 1.6)
  • Battlecry/Enter/Magic: Deal 1 damage. (Post Beta 8.3, Current)

Rarity: White (Common)
